
10 scientifically proven benefits of yoga

10 scientifically proven benefits of yoga

Yoga has experienced a real boom in recent years, which after the pandemic was the great discovery thanks to multiple physical and mental benefits.

We encourage you to practice yoga for its many benefits that will make you feel better, both physically and mentally.

1. Reduce your anxiety level

Focusing on the "here and now" helps you reduce your anxiety level. Practicing yoga reduces stress and anxiety, improves your mood and your overall sense of well-being.

2. Manage stress better

Yoga helps you reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, and helps you produce endorphins.

3. Strengthens and tones your body inside and out.

Yoga will help you gain strength and muscle, and therefore physical strength. With regular practice, you will be able to perform more complicated postures and thus increase your body's strength, from your neck to your legs. It also produces a relief of the musculature.

4. Be mindful. Be here and now

It increases your concentration, helps you to live in the present, to relax, to internalize with yourself. With 20' of yoga a day, you will increase your concentration.

Let's treat the present as one of the most important moments, to live in the moment and direct our attention.

5. It can even be practiced at home

You can practice yoga at home at any level, very simply, in a space where you feel comfortable with the practice and with your mat and a set of clothes that make you comfortable with the practice.

6. Gaining flexibility

Flexibility is a key element of practice, but it is not essential, as you will develop this quality as you practice. It is normal to have some stiffness in your body at first, but gradually your muscles will stretch and your joints will become more elastic.

7. Improve your balance

Another quality you will acquire with yoga is balance. There are many postures that help you achieve body stability and body awareness. To do this, you need to focus on a fixed point, which allows you to control your body at a fixed point and control your body on a support.

8. Learn to really breathe

Breathing techniques are divided into abdominal, thoracic and clavicular breathing. In order to achieve complete breathing, we must do all of them correctly. It brings us many benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving tranquility and peace of mind, increasing lung capacity, controlling emotions...

9. Strengthens your defenses

Your body will be in balance and therefore feel stronger. Your defenses will be strong to face any challenge.

10. Increase your self-esteem

The more we understand ourselves, the more we understand how to relate. Self-esteem is what happens when we feel good about ourselves. When self-esteem is strong, everything that happens to us is seen as positive and for the better, not negative. Even if we are suffering from a situation, we see the positive side.

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Hello. Thanks for this great article on the benefits of yoga. This was one of the starting points for me to begin yoga. It helped me gain confidence and I am progressing at my own pace. Thank you and see you soon on other articles.



I started yoga a few months ago and I’m already starting to feel the benefits you speak of.

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